You are currently viewing Japonesita

Ignacio Masllorens

Japanese girl, 4.44 min, Argentina, 2014

Ignacio Masllorens was born in Buenos Aires in 1973. He grew up in Patagonia and graduated in Film Direction at the Buenos Aires University. In 2003 he won the Sunny Side of the Doc prize at the DOCBSAS/03 documentary workshop. His feature documentary Martin Blaszko III (2012) won the first prize at the Patagonia International Documentary Festival (PAFID 2013). He also directed Hábitat (2013), Pablo Dacal y el misterio del lago Rosario (2008) and El Humor (Pequeña Enciclopedia Ilustrada (2006).

French style story about a Japanese spy girl sent to a dangerous mission in an hostile country. Entirely made using archival footage from Sucesos Argentinos (Argentine Events), a popular newsreel series from 1938 to 1972.


Author's name: Ignacio Masllorens Duration: 04:44 minOriginal title: JaponesitaYear of production: 2014Country of production: ArgentinaFor more information about this video go to:

Posted by Videomedeja Video Art Association, Video Art Library & Festival, Novi Sad on Friday, June 5, 2020