
Sara Kolster, Derek Holzer live audiovisual performance Many sounds and images in our everyday lives slip past our notice simply because they are too small, or because we lack the…

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Soda url | application Sodaconductor allows to create, animate and control complex audiovisual structures via the assemblage of most minimal ingredients or 'building blocks': simple sonic waveform generators controlled by…

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Ricardo Gadea Lacasa, Elena Stanić url | application ARKAIK_ is an interactive-architecture piece which allows users to navigate through a virtual space, visually inspired in the main hallway and archs…

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Sara Kolster, Marc Boon, Derek Holzer url SoundTransit is a collaborative, online community dedicated to field recording and phonography. On this site, you can plan a sonic journey through various…

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<h3>Linda Wallace</h3> <strong>video installation</strong> 'Displayed as three projections in the gallery, the imagery is composed of a kaleidoscope of green fields, blue skies, popular television and urban environments. These video…

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Green Ideas

<h3>Osvaldo Cibils</h3> <strong>Ideas Verdes, url</strong> Pieza netart: latin_lumpen/ideas verdes [ Caracol Aplysia - Bety Work - Genres Memory - El Estado del Arte - Blake Toshiba ]

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Alessandro Capozzo url Abstract-codex is a container of web based computational artworks. Main project focus is exploring and sharing the possibilities of coding as an expressive/emotional medium. In this vision…

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Robert Praxmarer interactive installation In this installation – originally designed as a video game – the player can slip into the role of a George W. Bush, Osama Bin Laden…

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Room 112

Adad Hannah video installation Room 112 starts with the celebrity interview convention of shot / reverse shot and then expands and disintegrates it as the piece progresses. The hotel room…

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Christine de la Garenne video installation The videoimage shows a slowed down macro-shot of a prayer cord (catholic rosary or islamic tesbih). The string of pearls is divided in short…

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Frank Theys Zelfportret, video installation Bogdanka Poznanović Award A simple, basic, yet strong idea translated very well in this personal monitor work. Headlessly sitting in front of his computer monitor…

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