Pre i posle 2000-te, 17 godina kasnije – studija 3 „video-slučaja“
Vladimir Tupanjac Before and after 2000, 17 years later - study of the 3 "video-cases", 60 min, Serbia, 2017 The end of the 20th century in Serbia was marked by…
Vladimir Tupanjac Before and after 2000, 17 years later - study of the 3 "video-cases", 60 min, Serbia, 2017 The end of the 20th century in Serbia was marked by…
Dalibor Barić THE EXPERIMENTAL LIFE: UNTITLED STATES OF MIND, 90 min, Croatia, 2017 Jupiter May Be Closer Than You Think/ Jupiter može biti bliži nego što misliš (2016) We Hear…
Theus Zwakhals Power and Seduction - recent works from the LIMA collection, Amsterdam, 75 min, Netherlands, 2017 Curious about the latest works from renowned artists and emerging talent? The media…