Old West Lodge

Heidi Phillips Old West Lodge, 16:19 min, Color, Stereo, Canada, 2015 Heidi Phillips is an experimental filmmaker and installation artist from Manitoba, Canada with an affinity for the tactility of…

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Joel Penner Pepo, 4:57 min, Color, Stereo, Canada, 2016 Joel Penner is a filmmaker who captures timelapses of plants dying to highlight the beauty of everyday existence. He has done…

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Table Dance

Lindsay Arnold Table Dance, 3:13 min, Color, Stereo, Canada, 2017 Lindsay Arnold is an American-Canadian living in the tiny village of North Portal, Saskatchewan.   Lindsay creates drawings, paintings, and videos…

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Black Square

Timo Zhalnin, Olga Lanceray Black Square, 4:52 min, Color, Stereo, Russian Federation, 2015 Timo Zhalnin was born in 1981 in Novokuznetsk, Russian Siberia. Award-winning films director, screenwriter, editor. In his…

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Uwe Heine Debrodt Photosynthesis, 5:21 min, Color, Stereo, Mexico, 2015 University studies at the faculty of chemistry .. workshops at the academy of San Carlos and others cultural centres of…

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Pierre Ropars, Antonin Derory, Diane Thirault, Jérémie Cottard, Matthieu Druaud, Adrien Zumbihl Overrun, 7:42 min, Color, Dolby SR, France, 2017 Pierre Ropars, Antonin Derory, Diane Thirault, Jérémie Cottard, Matthieu Druaud…

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Jean-Baptiste Aziere, Victor Chavanne, Thomas Némery, Morgane Perrin, Camille Roubinowitz Stockholm, 6:25 min, Color, Dolby SR, France, 2017 Jean-Baptiste Aziere, Victor Chavanne, Thomas Némery, Morgane Perrin and Camille Roubinowitz have…

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Maxime Gental, Zoé Pelegrin-Bomel, Edwin Leeds, Pulkita Mathur, Jonathan Valette, Catherine Lardé GP-to, 7:27 min, Color, Dolby SR, France, 2017 Maxime Gental, Zoé Pelegrin-Bomel, Edwin Leeds, Pulkita Mathur, Jonathan Valette…

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Lucil Lepeuple, Margot Cardinael, Zoé Caudron, Benjamin Bouchard, Camille Gras, Marine Boudry Emerge, 7:50 min, Color, Dolby SR, France, 2017 Lucil Lepeuple, Margot Cardinael, Zoé Caudron, Benjamin Bouchard, Camille Gras…

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Marlene Millar, Sandy Silva Pilgrimage, 10:49 min, Color, Stereo, Canada, 2017 Marlene Millar has been creating dance-media projects for over 20 years and she has won numerous awards. Move is…

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The Kiss

APOTROPIA The Kiss, 1:20 min, Color, Stereo, Italy, 2016 APOTROPIA is an artist duo formed by Antonella Mignone and Cristiano Panepuccia. Their work explores the intersections of dance, performing arts…

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Duygu Nazlı Akova Gyes, 3:11 min, B&W, Stereo, Turkey, 2016 She is an artist and researcher based in Istanbul.She earned her master degree from Marmara University/Institute of Fine Arts and…

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