End Cycle

Vladislav Knežević End Cycle, 17:53 min, Color, Stereo, Croatia, 2017 Vladislav Knežević (1967.), diplomirao na Akademiji dramskih umetnosti u Zagrebu (odsek za TV i filmsku režiju) i na De Vrije…

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O snu

Lucija Mrzljak About a Dream | 04:29, Color, Stereo, HR, 2011Film O snu (About a dream) is a film of atmosphere and associations. No logic plot, no real characters; the…

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Arheo 29

Vladislav Knežević 09:30, Color, Stereo, Croatia, 2010I da je ikad postojao novi svet, još uvek je skriven negde daleko na horizontu. Analogni sat otkucava poslednje sekunde pre svetske krize, dok…

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Ana Hušman Nogomet, 14:45, Color, Stereo, Croatia, 2011Mexico City. Two squads. Us and them. Playing 51st minute. 1:0Author is dealing with the movement and the way camera reflects it -…

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