You are currently viewing A Selection of Independent Exposure 2006

Independent Exposure

A Selection of Independent Exposure 2006 curator: Stephanie Martz, US, 2006

Independent Exposure has gained an enviable reputation as an important showcase for contemporary, progressive, artistic, and culturally relevant short films and videos since its inception in 1996. Each Independent Exposure program is thoughtfully curated to present diverse and eclectic works in a relevant and international context. To date, Independent Exposure has been presented hundreds of times in 43 countries plus Palestine, Antarctica and a base camp on Mt. Everest. Independent Exposure premieres in San Francisco and Houston and then travels around the world – intriguing audiences at microcinemas, festivals, and special events. Independent Exposure has been featured on National Public Radio, Channel 4 (U.K.), Wired Magazine, The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Houston Press, Utne Reader, Filmmaker Magazine, Movie Maker Magazine, and many other international press outlets. Contact us if your organization is interested in hosting Independent Exposure.