You are currently viewing Virtual vs. Real ID

Deana Petrović

21:00, Color, Stereo, RS, 2011
Visual exploration of social networks users’ identities:
World of Warcraft
Parallels between virtual and real identities of four people:
Damjan Babic (band Kriske)
Nenad Rackovic (multimedia artist)
TKV (grafitti artist)
Jelena Vojvodic (coordinator of Dis-patch festival and art historian)
Virtual ID. Comparison between a virtual and real identity, VIRTUAL vs. REAL. Which of the two is more significant, which one is more honest? Virtual identity testing and visualization of the Social Networking phenomenon. In what amount the network data affects our day-to-day life and how is it manifested?

Virtual vs. Real ID

Author's name: Deana Petrović Duration: 21:00 minOriginal title: Virtual vs. Real IDYear of production: 2011Country of production: Serbia For more information about this video go to:

Posted by Videomedeja Video Art Association, Video Art Library & Festival, Novi Sad on Friday, June 5, 2020