You are currently viewing Enfrentar Animales Salvajes

Jerónimo Quevedo

To Face Wild Animals, 8 min, Color, Stereo, Argentina, 2014

Lunartis Award for the best graduate film

To face wild animals by Jeronimo Quevedo from Argentina proves the old rule that one only needs a good story to make a great film. By using strong writing and minimal visual elements this film is unusually engaging.

Tarzán kidnaps Miss Chile ‘85: King of the jungle and maximum exponent of the anti-Pinochet patriotic command “Manuel Rodríguez”

Universidad del Cine, Argentina

Since its creation in 1991, Universidad del Cine proposed to become a production center to deepen its educational action and make possible the insertion of its students in the professional field. After more than two decades, the artistic activities developed by the institution have been unbeatable.
