Sonja Petrović
Coffee, 9.51 min, Stereo, Serbia, 2014
Sonja is a student of the 4th year of Multimedia directing at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. As a director, she has broaden her perspective and improved herself through the three different media. Those are film, theater and radio. She is talented for everything, but she doesn’t know anything. She orders to everyone, sings loudly and exaggerates in everything!
Drinking coffee in the morning is not this family’s ritual anymore, but a sad memory which is reborn every day. The mother lives in an illusion of the past, because the present is too cruel and her father is trying to impose the truth on her- the truth that he himself is not willing to accept. Destiny is often like a morning coffee: bitter and harsh, but we still drink it. This is a story about the gap and losses in the family which can be overcome only by selfless support and love.