You are currently viewing Drangularium

Milica Raicevic

Drangularium, 5:17 min, Stereo, Serbia, 2015

Milica Raicevic(1974 Belgrade)Earned master`s degree in painting on FLU in Belgrade.She has had thirteen individual and many group exhibitions.Overal Showdown winner at Saatchi-Gallery-September 2010 for painting.. She is the author of over 60 written articles in the field of art critic.

This video was done as a homage to the SKC’s Cultural Centre which has been a birthplace of many avant-garde art projects from 1968 to present.Video’s concept is based on the idea that space has a memory, that is, everything that happened in it left an invisible energy imprint.


Author's name: Milica RaicevicDuration: 05:17 minOriginal title: DrangulariumYear of production: 2015Country of production: Serbia For more information about this video go to:

Posted by Videomedeja Video Art Association, Video Art Library & Festival, Novi Sad on Saturday, July 25, 2020