You are currently viewing Cachorro

Jesús Rivera

Cachorro, 12 min, Color, Stereo, Spain, 2016

Jesús Rivera (Almería, Spain, 1990). Bachelor in Media and Communication, graduated by the University of Malaga. He has developed his career on theater, radio, advertising and cinema all around Spain.

From the age of two, cubs are forced to leave the pride by lionesses. Only the strong turn into adults.

Escuela de Cinematografía y del Audiovisual de la Comunidad de Madrid (ECAM)

The ECAM, School of Cinematography and Audiovisual of the Community of Madrid, was created in 1994, by decision of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Community of Madrid, the General Society of Authors and Editors (SGAE), the Academy of Arts and Cinematographic Sciences of Spain.