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Marius Gherasim

Lost, 4:40 min, Color, Stereo, Romania, 2015

Marius Gherasim is a mad scientist and wizard from Bucharest, Romania. He works in the domain of magic surrealistic moving images. Now he is thirty two and residing near Bucharest, filming, painting, drawing, experimenting on living mechanical parts of all sorts and mintrubbing.

Lost words. Lost time. Lost universe. Lost consciousness. Lost country. Lost religion. Lost people. Lost is a derailed train with the engine still running.


Author's name: Marius GherasimDuration: 04:40 minOriginal title: LostYear of production: 2015Country of production: RomaniaFor more information about this video go to:

Posted by Videomedeja Video Art Association, Video Art Library & Festival, Novi Sad on Tuesday, August 4, 2020