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Djurdjija Jelenković, Nemanja Maraš

Nobody died, 7:29 min, Color, Stereo, Serbia, 2018

Choreography student of the last year BA studies. MA student of Applied Physics. Professional ballet dancer with very strong technical background of classical and contemporary dance. Various awards from choreography and performing art. Full length performance award for the choreography 2017.

Despite the death of the body, the human works of creativity lives on, their souls keep living
independent lives. Repetition of life-death-life; the only repetition
which is impossible to achieve by the choreography.
The architecture of the chosen space has led to the division of space
performance in three parts: the space of the Hell, the space between
(Purgatory) and the place of Heaven. Division of performing space and dying space
in three parts and the structure of the work was brought into direct
connection with Dante’s Divine Comedy. Searching for the human soul for absolute happiness,
freedom, peace and ultimate enlightenment.