Vladislav Knežević
End Cycle, 17:53 min, Color, Stereo, Croatia, 2017
Vladislav Knežević (1967) graduated from the Academy of Drama Arts (TV and Film Direction Dept.) in Zagreb and De Vrije Academie (Audio-visual Dept.) in Den Haag. Professionally works as a freelance director for TV and various productions since 1993. He is into experimental film, video and sound pro.
Utterly reduced movability and tension of a physical body set in an abandoned factory plant. In an empty machineless space, a human body is attuned to the working rhythm of archaic pulsation. Body positions point to the collective memory of physical structure of things disappearing.
Awards, premiere (or any other additional info):
REZ, Beograd, Serbia, 2017
Saison Foundation Presentation, Tokyo, Japan, 2018
THT Award Exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, 2018