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Studentski VR radovi

EDUKONS, the Faculty of Digital Production (FDP), Serbia,2019

This year’s International video festival VIDEOMEDEJA will feature a selection of works by students of the Faculty of Digital Production, EDUCONS University, Sremska Kamenica. Since 2013, students have the opportunity to take two courses related to immersive virtual reality. Since then, a large number of students have undergone training in this technology, and a selection of some of the best, more recent works from different genres has been made for VIDEOMEDEJA. Students also apply this knowledge to the work of EDUVRlab, a VR lab created in 2018 and equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. In addition to creative work, the laboratory also deals with scientific visualizations and simulations (NPR in the field of nuclear physics) and expert visualizations (NPR architecture and urban planning), as well as commercial VR visualizations. Under the mentorship of prof. PhD Predrag Šiđanin, and with the assistance of Jovana Plavšić, MA, the works of the following students were selected for the VIDEOMEDEJA Festival:

  • Miljan Terzić, VR autodrom F1 Monza, 2018. – VR simulation/game
  • Dejan Lang, Nadrealni prostori, 2018/2019. – VR art
  • Bojan Lađinović, Simulacija sećanja u VR-u, 2018. – VR art
  • Marina Kričković, VR space with an experience, 2019. – VR game
  • Miloš Delić, Fashion – Camera, 2019. – VR art