Bad Luck City

Aaike Stuart 11:30, BW, Dolby SR, Netherlands, Germany, 2012 Bad Luck City follows a man on his solitary and superstitious journey though the city. Shot on black and white Super8,…

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Piotr Kotlicki 01:36, Color, Stereo, Poland, Germany, 2012 This video is based on painting "Man jumping over", painted in 2010. The video uses photos from regular camera, edited as slideshow,…

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Arheo 29

Vladislav Knežević 09:30, Color, Stereo, Croatia, 2010If the new world ever existed, it is still hidden way behind the horizon. An analogue clock is ticking away the last seconds before…

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Apollo Poetics

Bill Psarras 04:35, Color, Stereo, United Kingdom, 2012 Experimental digital video art work, focused on the sublime and poetics of space-transmitted dialogues of Apollo 11. From a conceptual standpoint, Apollo…

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A mating dance

Friedrich van Schoor Cooperation with Tarek Mohamed Mawad, Nikolaj Woroschilow, 04:19, Color, Stereo, Germany, 2011Friedrich van Schoor - A mating danceA bird of paradise encounters a beautiful, fascinating creature and…

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  Alexei Dmitriev Hermeneutics,  BW, Stereo, 03:15, Russian Federation, 2012 Special Mention A dry, extremely well timed piece of filmic machinery in which war and festival are reduced to their…

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