Carmen Wan Sze-wai
Where Are You, My Dear?, 22:51 min, Color, Stereo, China, 2017
Carmen WAN (Director, is graduate in June 2017) – Has been participated as Production Assistant for “Enthralled”, “Port of Call”, “Robbery” and “S Storm”, and Post-production Assistant for “Shed Skin Papa” and “Dealer Healer”.
During a solemn afternoon disrupted by a typhoon, the newly deceased Mr Lam is resurrected into a mindless living dead, haunting the funeral home where his service should have been. Is this a farce, or a smokescreen for something greater?
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA)
The School of Film and Television programmes are designed to develop in the students high level film and television skills at the technical and craft level, as well as to nurture and encourage their creative and artistic development.