Popunjavanjem ove prijave dajete dozvolu za prikazivanje vašeg rada na 29. Videomedeji koja će biti realizovana u fizičkom ili virtuelnom prostoru.

Main rule is ONE SCHOOL - ONE FILM.
LUNARTIS is NOT just another student film competition. We are looking only for the Best of the Best future filmmakers representing the Best Film Schools. Each participating school will select only one (the best) graduate or undergraduate thesis film to represent them. This films are automatically accepted.
Students may not submit films on their own.
Only schools selected by Videomedeja may participate in LUNARTIS. If any students wish to participate on Videomedeja Festival, they can do that independently via entry form for the regular competition program. The entry form for the regular competition is on our website www.videomedeja.org
There are no fixed criteria concerning work theme, form or length.
The only works that would not be considered are ones containing any kind of offensive or aggressive message/content. The submitted works should be produced in 2024 or 2025.
There are no screening fees
Due to the limited budget, we can't provide screening fees or cover travel expenses for participants. The Festival usually provides accommodation in Novi Sad for participants who wish to attend the Festival if they send request at least two month before start of the Festival. Our goal is to establish this competition and in the future find sponsors who will enable us to invite authors of selected films and one professor from the respective film school to participate in the festival.
Competition screenings
We accept only direct upload of the film screening file via Internet. For that purpose is best to place the file on your own ftp. server or use one of the web services for sending files (wetransfer.com, sendingbigfiles.com or similar). This way we avoid any costs for the film schools for sending screening copies. All films in a language other than English MUST be subtitled in English for festival presentation.
Filmmakers retain all copyrights to their films
By submitting films for the festival program you agree that your film will remain in the festival Archive. The Archive is our institutional property and only used for internal purposes and only available to Videomedeja curators and fellow visitors. You also agree that your film will be included in the Videomedeja 2025 catalogue, Videomedeja promo video (10-15 sec of each work) as well as in the Videomedeja web pages within its database listings, represented by the title, author's name, format data, description text and still image.
The 29th International New Media Art Festival Videomedeja is planning to present the regular edition of the Festival, live in front of the audience in the screening room in Novi Sad, Serbia.
The signatory of the entry declares that he/she is the rights holder of the film submitted, in so far as he/she is permitted to legally grant permission that whole film or certain percentage of the film in question may be used, free of charge, for media coverage as well as for advertising purposes of the Festival.
Personal data
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  • This part applies only to works and selections selected for the Videomedeja 2025 programme. No other entries are included in the festival archive, neither are they presented at the videomedeja website or considered for broadcasting or tour programmes.
  • By submitting your work for the festival programme you agree that preview of your work will remain in the festival archive. The Archive is our institutional property and only used for internal purposes and only available to the videomedeja curators and fellow visitors.
  • You agree that your work (or programme) will be included in the Videomedeja 2025 printed catalogue, Videomedeja promo video (10-15 sec of each work) as well as in the Videomedeja web pages within its database listings, represented by the title, author's name, format data, description text and still image (1920px width).

Entering our Festival is free of charge, but we appreciate all financial help we can get. If you feel like supporting us, buy us cop of coffee through Videomedeja Donation Form under Donation button on our website.