Marijana Topo
Marijana completed her bachelor’s studies at the Faculty of Philosophy at University of Novi Sad, Department of Philosophy, and in master’s studies she focused on the field of human resources. She is currently a PhD student at the Faculty of Technical Sciences at the University of Novi Sad , where she is further developing and learning in the field of project management and human resources. Her areas of interest include philosophy, entrepreneurship, PR, marketing, business communication and human resource development. For more than 5 years, she has been organizing and implementing educational programs and events in the fields of culture, youth policy, innovation and entrepreneurship, targeting mainly the youth population, and more recently, start-ups in business. She has been engaged as a PR of the Videomedeja festival since 2015, and since last year she has been engaged as a PR of the VREMEPLOV festival that are organized by the Videomedeja Association.